Guide to Body, Mind, & Soul Connection

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Yoga, Meditation, Functional Strength Training, Breathwork, Tension Release,

Energetic Cleansing (people & spaces), Nourishment Guidance, Digital Design

1 - 1 Sessions Via Zoom

A tailored package, based on what WE perceive you need to enhance your life and well-being. We will co-create your commitment and leave space for that to shift as we evolve together.

Group Sessions Via Zoom or In - Person

Two or more people looking to grow together through one or multiple offerings to create a growth space in a group setting.

Energetic Cleansing

Feel like some stagnant energy is lingering in your home (your body or a space that houses your body)? I can either provide guidance on how to cleanse your energy using clear intent + the Earth's elements, or I can facilitate the cleanse.

Private Retreats

Local day retreats or multi-day travel retreats - I will cultivate a safe container for the group to explore the depths of their Being. An adventure to ignite the senses through movement, breath, self inquiry, connection exercises, creative activities, nourishing food, and sound healing. Immerse yourself into the elements with the intention of expanding your awareness and opening your heart. A WHOLE transformational experience.

Digital Design

Event Flyers, Business Cards, Logos, Invitations, Menus, let me know what you need. I will work with you to create the vibe you desire so you can provide information to your people with a unique aesthetic.


On one level, I don't have an answer to that question. I am you, you are me, and we are vessels of love. Vessels that present themselves in a multitude of forms depending on each moment and it's happenings.

On another level I am a healer, a movement motivator, a challenger of perceptions, a silly lady who likes to dance and sing and laugh and play, a student and teacher, and an intense field of energy. I am a daughter, a friend, a loyal partner to many. I provide an energy that somehow feels safe and kind, while simultaneously presenting an uncomfortable reflection of the resistance necessary for expansion. I am a nurturer of Spirit and a worshiper of Earth and all of her elements. I am a fierce soul in a human body with a fiery passion to create heart-centered experiences that transcend the mundane. I am an artist and this life is my canvas. My health is a creative exploration of body, mind, and soul.

I am here to share my experiences as I heal and grow, my hope is that we can grow together.

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If I love myself, I love you. If I love you, I love myself.


In case you would like to know...

these are my credentials:

  • Ace Certified Personal Trainer
  • 200hr Yoga Alliance Certified
  • BioMechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • Started coaching at 12 years old
  • Daughter of Olympic Coach, Beverly Sigler, it's in my blood!
  • Transformational Retreat Mentorship w/ Susan Meymand
  • 30 years of exploring movement practices & self love
  • Adventure travel expert!
  • A deep passion for nourishing the WHOLE Being with food, feel, aroma, observation, and sound

I have learned a lot through certification earning courses, though my most potent teacher has always been my burning curiosity. I feel spiritually connected to all of life's endeavors and through the human experience I have gained the most wisdom. What I offer will evolve as my Being evolves.


Some words from people I have worked with:

"I’ve known Allie for the better part of a decade and everything she has pursued she has done so with passion, love, and tenacity. Working with her as a coach has been no exception. I am constantly inspired by her light and vibrance. This girl is her own dang sun and she brings this brightness and joy to to everyone she encounters! She pushes me while reminding me to be kind to myself and checks in often. It makes me feel empowered and motivated. Through working with Allie I’ve learned so much that has helped me in my goal towards continual growth and self love. I will forever be greatful for this beautiful, badass woman!"

-Grace Terrell